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A Sensitive Tooth Can Be Very Painful or Uncomfortable to Live With

Jan 06, 2022

If you have ever had a toothache, you know that it can be very painful. But what if your toothache is not caused by decay or an infection but by something called "sensitivity"? It can be very painful or uncomfortable to live with a sensitive tooth, and it’s important to know how to deal with it if you have one. Sensitivity occurs when the nerve inside a tooth becomes irritated for some reason. This irritation can be caused by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods and drinks. Besides, dealing with a sensitive tooth can be very painful or uncomfortable. If you're dealing with this issue, you're not alone. Here are some tips to help you understand the triggers for tooth sensitivity, including foods you take and know best practices that can help you manage tooth sensitivity.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity

Quite simply, there’s several different things that can lead to tooth sensitivity. 

  1. Worn Out Tooth Enamel - Tooth enamel protects your teeth from the sensitivity-causing elements in the environment, so when it wears down, you can experience those uncomfortable sensations more acutely.
  2. Exposed Tooth Roots - If you're experiencing tooth sensitivity, your tooth roots may be exposed. Exposing the tooth roots can cause many issues, including tooth pain and sensitivity to hot and cold items.
  3. Cavity - Cavities are essentially holes in your teeth, and when they get larger and deeper, they can expose the nerve inside the tooth. This nerve is what causes tooth sensitivity. Early treatment for cavities can help prevent further damage and keep your teeth healthy and pain-free.
  4. Cracked Tooth - A cracked tooth can cause tooth sensitivity. A cracked tooth may worsen and cause even more discomfort if left untreated. In some cases, a cracked tooth may require root canal treatment or even extraction.
  5. Gum Disease - It's no secret that gum disease is a serious oral health issue. But what you may not know is that gum disease can also lead to tooth sensitivity. If you're experiencing tooth sensitivity and haven't been diagnosed with gum disease, a dentist can help you rule out any dental problems.
  6. Worn Out Filling - If a filling is old and worn down, it can create small openings in the teeth where food and bacteria can get trapped. This can lead to inflammation and tooth sensitivity.

Foods That Commonly Trigger a Sensitive Tooth

The following are popular foods that trigger tooth sensitivity:

  • Ice Cream - Have you ever eaten ice cream and then experienced an uncomfortable level of tooth sensitivity? You're not alone. Studies have shown that ice cream, being cold and containing excess sugars and some acidic food content, can easily trigger tooth sensitivity.
  • Alcoholic Drinks - Did you know that consuming alcoholic drinks can trigger tooth sensitivity? According to a study published in the Journal of the American Dental Association, drinking wine, beer, and other alcoholic drinks can cause teeth to become more sensitive to hot and cold stimuli.
  • Candies - For many people, enjoying a piece of candy is a pleasure that is all too fleeting. Unfortunately, it can be a painful and dreaded experience for some people. Sucking on hard candy, especially sour ones, can wear down your tooth enamel and make your teeth more sensitive to hot and cold.
  • Coffee - Coffee is a known irritant to the teeth and can cause them to become more sensitive to cold, sweet, and acidic foods and drinks. If you're experiencing dental discomfort after drinking coffee or other similar beverages, it might be time to visit a dentist for a check-up.
  • Juice - Did you know that drinking juice can trigger tooth sensitivity? It's a little-known fact, but one that's worth knowing if you're a fan of fruit juices and smoothies. The acids in juice can wear down the enamel on your teeth, making them more prone to sensitivity.

Prevention and Treatment

Tooth sensitivity can be prevented and also treated by embracing the right strategies. Sensitivity toothpaste contains special ingredients that help protect your teeth from exposure to stimuli that can cause pain. If you are looking for a way to reduce your chances of experiencing tooth sensitivity, using this special toothpaste is a good option.

In some cases, tooth sensitivity can be treated with a root canal. A root canal is a procedure where the dentist cleans and seals the exposed nerve chamber inside the tooth, which mitigates tooth sensitivity. Gum grafting surgery is a common treatment for tooth sensitivity. If your teeth are sensitive to hot and cold, biting pressure, or sweets, you may be a candidate for this procedure. Gum grafting can help protect the root of your tooth from further damage and improve your overall oral health.

If you've been brushing your teeth twice a day with a standard toothbrush and suffering from tooth sensitivity, you may want to switch to a soft toothbrush. A soft toothbrush is more gentle on your teeth and can help prevent tooth sensitivity.

Extreme temperature and sugar trigger tooth sensitivity. Consuming food with moderate conditions can help you enjoy your delicacy, even with a sensitive tooth.

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