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What Questions Should You Ask Before Purchasing Home Exercise Equipment?

Apr 30, 2018

Creating a home gym in a spare bedroom or garage is a goal for many people. For starters, it makes it possible for individuals to workout in the comfort of their own home instead of hassling with a gym. It can also save money in the long run by eliminating the need for a costly membership or renewal fees. Lastly, home exercise equipment empowers busy men and women to get their workout in whenever they have a few spare minutes. All of these benefits make home gyms appealing. However, choosing the right equipment can feel overwhelming for many people.

This is why it is so critical for consumers to know the right questions to ask before making an investment. After all, exercise equipment can be expensive. In addition to this, most people want their equipment to last for many years to come to eliminate the need for hassling with replacing outdated or malfunctioning machines. By doing research beforehand and knowing exactly what they should be looking for, consumers can confidently invest in the right options for their unique needs. Anyone can create their own customized home gym with long lasting equipment by following a few simple steps.

Benefits of Home Gym Equipment

Investing in home gym equipment is a smart way for savvy consumers to get in shape, save money and gain flexibility to workout at any time. For anyone with a spare room or even a little bit of free space in a large living room, den or bedroom, this is an achievable goal. However, before selecting just any equipment, shoppers should first determine exactly what their fitness goals are. Doing so will help consumers find the right machines for their specific needs. For example, if an individual is solely looking to lose body fat, they may focus on narrowing down cardiovascular equipment such as elliptical machines, treadmills and even stair climbers. Likewise, if someone is attempting to build more muscle or achieve a total body workout, weight training equipment may also be useful.

Individuals who take the time to outline their expectations and goals will get the most out of their equipment and avoid wasting money on something they never use. At home exercises should be fun. If it isn't enjoyable, most people will not stick with it. This is why it is a good idea for shoppers to test out equipment that they are interested in before investing in it. Asking the right questions about equipment greatly depends on an individual's needs. For example, if they suffer from joint pain, they may need a low impact machine. Anyone with a high BMI may also need a higher weight capacity. In addition to these questions, general information such as warranty duration and durability are also important to ask.

Questions and Answers

The following questions are most common among exercise equipment.

Q: Is Folding Equipment Necessary?

A: Anyone who has dedicated space for a home gym does not need to invest in folding equipment. However, individuals looking for something portable and easy to move may prefer lightweight, folding or collapsible machines which are most commonly found in elliptical machines, exercise bikes and treadmills.

Q: Where Can Consumers Find the Weight Capacity?

A: Locating the weight limit for a machine can be difficult. Most manufacturer's include it in the instruction booklet of their products, but do not always display it on the packaging. Shoppers can contact a manufacturer directly before purchasing a machine to determine if it is appropriate for them. Failure to comply with weight limits on equipment can result in serious injury and damage to the machine.

Q: Is Body Resistance More Reliable?

A: Many cardiovascular and strength training machines offer body resistance instead of mechanically controlled intensity levels. These options may be more reliable for long term use since they do not rely on electronic components. However, reputable machines should not have complications throughout their lifespan. Most shoppers can feel confident about choosing either option and getting plenty of use out of it for years to come.

Q: Is All Cardio the Same?

A: Not all cardio machines target the same muscle groups. Before selecting one, individuals should determine what exactly they want out of their workout. Besides fat loss, cardiovascular exercise can also tone the legs, buttocks and even arms. Elliptical machines and stair climbers are most popular for a total body cardio workout.

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