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What Kind of Impact Do Shoes Have on Your Exercise Routine?

Apr 30, 2018

We all know that exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. What's just as important as the exercise we engage in is how we dress for the event, more specifically, the shoes that we slip on. It is important to understand which types of shoes are designed for the chosen exercise. This bit of information can mean the difference between a successful workout versus a painful follow up rest day. For runners, this is especially important since most of the stress is placed on the feet. With so many different regimes to partake in, it can seem a bit overwhelming as to which shoes are the best fit. Not to worry, there are plenty of resources that will be able to guide you in picking up the right pair of sneakers and have you feeling like a champ after your workout, rather than a wobbling newborn giraffe trying to find its footing. Of course, if you are the wearing the wrong pair of shoes, it won't take long for your body to tell you that something is wrong. With many brands of shoes on the market, you will be able to find shoes that match your size, activity and style.

The Impact of Shoes on Your Workouts

There are a few factors to be considered to understand the role that your shoes play in your activity. First, what is the exercise? For example, if you're going hiking, you will want shoes that can absorb the impact of rough surfaces, as well as provide traction while walking up steep planes. Hiking shoes are designed for this purpose (hence the name) and will be well-suited for the occasion. A less ideal choice for hiking would be tennis shoes, as they lack the support that hiking shoes provide and can leave you with very sore and blistered feet by the end of the hike. There is much less protection provided by the soles of these shoes. The size of your shoes is another important factor. Always go for shoes that fit you just right. The shoes should not squeeze your feet so tightly that you can not wiggle your toes, nor should they feel like clown shoes. If the shoes are too tight, this could restrict blood circulation to the feet and if worn long enough, could force the feet to conform to the shape of that shoe. If the shoe is too big, this could open to the door for possible injuries such as a sprained ankle when performing actions that require tight turns. The shoes that you wear are a necessary component for maintaining your workout schedule. Cross training shoes are excellent for workouts that require a mix of short-burst exercises and cardio. Long distance shoes tend to have thicker soles to more easily absorb the impact of repetitive feet stomping. Tennis shoes, while not made for hiking, are the ideal for activities that require a lighter shoe that is quite flexible like walking, or as you may have guessed, tennis! Finding the right pair of shoes can enhance your training regime by providing greater support, protection, and absorption. To top it all off, having a stylish pair of shoes for your workout can give you that added edge and boost of confidence to power through even the toughest workouts.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Can I wear the same pairs of shoes for different activities?

A: It depends on how closely related the activities are. If both activities demand the same or similar movements, then it may be appropriate to wear the same pairs of shoes between different activities.

Q: Is there is particular type of shoe that I should buy?

A: The most important factor to consider when buying shoes for exercise is the exercise itself. Many brands and retailers offer an extensive list of relevant information of the shoe of interest to provide customers their best choice.

Q: I have a tight budget and I'm not sure if I can afford the right pair of shoes. What should I do?

A: Not to worry! There is an abundance of quality shoes that can be found at many retail stores or online for a cheap cost.

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