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There are Resources to Help With Depression and Anxiety

Mar 13, 2019

In the United States, anxiety and depression-related disorders are the most common mental illnesses among adults 18 and older. Even though these conditions are quite treatable, less than 40% of people affected by them ever get treatment. This is due in great part to the fact that many people are unaware of the numerous resources available to treat depression and anxiety disorders.

In the past, these and other types of conditions like them were predominantly dealt with by placing the afflicted person in a hospital or institution for indeterminate amounts of time and to receive less-than-adequate care. These days, treatment is available in the office of a private therapist, one-on-one, and through various forms of counseling, best suited to each patient's individual needs. Treatment options such as group therapy, individual and family counseling and a number of other options are utilized to create a specialized treatment plan for each person in need of help. The stigma once associated with mental health issues has been replaced with understanding, compassion, and education, so there is no longer any shame or embarrassment when it comes to seeking help.

Information is available in abundance via the internet for anyone needing mental health care but not knowing where to turn. With a few simple clicks, information can be obtained regarding where to go for help in order to begin living a happier life, free from the negative effects of these conditions.


Counselling is the umbrella term for mental health treatment based on talking out issues is psychotherapy. Since each person suffering from depression/anxiety is affected differently, there are a number of different kinds of treatments available to meet the needs of anyone seeking help. These include:

  • Interpersonal Therapy - This treatment deals with an individual's relationships with others that tend to be unhealthy in that they cause depression and prevent the individual from getting rid of it.
  • Psychodynamic Therapy - Works to identify, address, and resolve deep-seated psychological issues that have been developed during childhood. This type of therapy is especially helpful to those who have never found an effective way of dealing with issues related to depression or anxiety and who have instead resorted to unhealthy behaviors such as self-harming, drug/alcohol abuse, etc.
  • Cognitive Therapy - This type of therapy is based on the premise that our thoughts directly control our emotions. A person who has a negative outlook will focus only on negative thoughts, keeping themselves in a perpetually depressed state of mind. Cognitive Therapy teaches individuals to become aware of their negative thought patterns (known as cognitive distortions) so that they can learn to turn negative thoughts into positive ones.

These are just a few examples of the many different types of therapy that are available, and a good therapist will be able to choose the type(s) of treatment(s) that are just right for each person. Sometimes a therapist will recommend more than one kind of treatment in order to fully address the issues and provide help in a thorough manner.

Depression Treatment Centers

Sometimes depression can become so severe that more intensive treatment is necessary. Depression treatment centers provide inpatient care for individuals dealing with certain types of depression at levels that can prove dangerous to the individual themselves or to others. These treatment centers accommodate patients for the period of time determined by their specialist in order to adequately treat their depression and any other issues that have arisen as a result of it. The professionals there focus on individualized treatment plans combined with group therapy, for example, to encourage a patient who may benefit from sharing their experiences with others and hearing about theirs as well. A number of other activities and therapies are available at these facilities as well.

Depression treatment centers offer a number of benefits that will help the patient to identify and reduce or eliminate the root causes of their depression. Usually, they will work closely with the entire family in order to not only find ways in which the family can help their loved one, but also so that the family members may become more aware of themselves and discover things that they may need to focus on in order to improve themselves and their family relationships.

Treatment at these centers also helps by integrating socialization into the lives of patients suffering from depression. The loneliness and isolation many people experience due to their depression can exacerbate the condition. Associating with other people can relieve several aspects of depression. Openness and sharing occur, and common bonds are discovered. Spending time with others is an excellent way to relieve depressive feelings and to learn to open up socially and integrate into groups to enjoy the company of other people.

Other Resources

These days no one has to deal with depression alone. The condition can be treated in a number of ways thanks to modern knowledge and understanding of the nature of the illness. Help is as close as a phone call away. Not only does this include counseling services, but it also helps with obtaining services for help with prescription drug coverage, educational resources, help for teens and runaways who suffer from depression, suicide prevention, and more. Mental health providers and most medical providers will have information on resources as well. Remember, no one has to suffer alone and frightened. There is hope help, and wellness, and it is just a phone call away.

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